Norway Farm Snippen Gård Elverum kommune Bauernhof, Elch, Kuh, Wildschwein,Fischen, Angeln, Forelle,,
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Snippen Gård

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While we in the "old" days hatched and produced up to 1.5 million fry per year of various kinds, we carry now only little production of fish to even fishing for our visitors. There are many a fisherman has been born ...

NOTE: The fish are big this year - trout of 1 - 3 kg. is no rarity to catch.


Our desire is to present a "Use in use", with 100-show of "animal" sensations, creating recreation for adults and also provide for the kids. For the youngest we have "tread tractors" and a large trampoline. A Fergie 1949 model they take on a trip around the yard, the kids are completely dulled by it. Wild ducks have occupied our swimming pond, so swimming is the end. We also have many different animals that are placed in enclosures around the playground. Rabbits, sheep, goats, donkeys, mules, llamas, peacocks, turkeys, various chickens, pigeons, wild ducks, geese, ostrich, wild boar and miniature pigs ensures that no one is bored!



On the playground you can close after him and make sure the kids are not going away. It is allowed to bring own food and barbecue on our grills.


FOOD WITHOUT "E" In the cafe ......

"Food without E", you only Snippets cafe.

Our farm café has 56 seats with views out over the farm, with its rich wildlife. We are so modern that we only serve homemade, old-fashioned dinner.

Note: there was a time .... The cafe is now used as a warming hut in bad weather

In the yard you can buy rømmevaffler and sausages, coffee, soda and ice.


Be kind to your body - to give the real thing ...

We have a disease-free farms with regular veterinary checks. We have fresh fish that do not use medicated. We deliver fresh trout straight from breeding tank and Half-fermented trout from July

Our aim is to deliver the meat of the highest quality - produced most of roughage, plenty of sunshine and fresh air.
We provide each animal - forehand or hindquarters of 50 - 70 kg. (If there is too much so find someone to share with), this can be pre-cut.

Lined up in a natural outdoor setting - a life without stress! We have loose housing of sows and piglets, all frolic in the straw bed. They can also move freely out and have their own swimming pond in Hawaii (behind the barn). This is a drive way out of the ordinary that both the pig and we feel incredibly handy. Flesh is then, just good!
We deliver slaughtered both half (about 40 kg) and whole animals. The meat is pre-cut, ready for the oven.

Goose, Duck, Due and Struts:
Our geese graze throughout the summer and the meat has a special taste. Gåseslakt available from September. Also, mallards, born on a collar, but living in full freedom and flying as they want in our gastronomic diversity. Some ostriches that we have only the summer must also "people". Our pigeons have also in the pan - great food. Feather Feet must be purchased alive. If you need help to kill they help us to be happy. When we make it legal ....

Prices for slaughter can be found by clicking on the link at harvest 1 page

1001 NIGHT:
In the handicraft shop - "1001 Nights" - there are many beautiful things made ​​of glass, decorated and fired by Thorun. Moreover, there are many fine dolls and dolls in the shop.
Santa lives and sleeps on Snippen summer.

Farm shop is open year round if we are at home (almost always)

Note Dinner Kvila is between 1600 and 1800 ...

Snippen Gård Snippen Gård
Snippen Gård Snippen Gård
Snippen Gård
Snippen Gård
Elverum kommune 
Tel: 0047 6242 6160
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